Everything Must Go — an advertising slogan, a call to action.

Everything Must Go invites audiences to rethink established systems of exchange and the elements of creation, production, consumption, possession, waste, and value(s) functioning within them. Where do the things we consume come from? Who makes them?

How do we determine the value of a thing? How do we decide that it no longer has value? What do we exchange in order to obtain it? And who decides how this is done?

At Everything Must Go we’re slashing prices!! Visitors are consumers are laborers are artists. Your money is no good here!! Creative labor can be exchanged for anything in this store that is deemed to be of equal value. Our entire inventory is your palette. Anything altered and produced within this space becomes a work of art as well as a product!! All art objects are free to be disassembled, reassembled, disregarded, or destroyed!!!

At Everything Must Go —
collaboration > competition
shared responsibility > control
diversity > uniformity
justice > profit
the commons > the privatized