Between Two Worlds is a collection of posters and prints from artists, activists, and collectives imagining a unified global anti-imperialist movement. The show features 11 artists from the workers-owned cooperative Justseeds; 22 posters from the Organization of Solidarity with the People of Asia, Europe, Africa, and Latin America (OSPAAAL), which originated in Havana, Cuba; works from The Black Panther Party’s Minister of Culture, Emory Douglas, and the party’s graphic artist, Gayle Asali Dickson; as well as contemporary digital artists @Leftaesthetic, @Colorcollective, and Vivek Venkatraman.Alongside these works are a collection of plants indigenous to the regions represented in the  prints, as well as an assortment of reading materials contextualizing the histories and movements informing the works.
photos by team and Rebecca Marimutu